provide at least one parameter for fusion overlay

SELECT categories.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CAST(SUBSTRING(members.anchor, 10) AS UNSIGNED) AS target FROM yacs_members AS members WHERE (members.member LIKE 'section:321') AND (members.anchor LIKE 'category:%')) AS ids, yacs_categories AS categories WHERE (categories.id = ids.target) AND (categories.active='Y') AND ((categories.expiry_date is NULL) OR (categories.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (categories.expiry_date > '2024-12-11 14:56:53')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40' at line 1

SELECT articles.* FROM yacs_articles AS articles WHERE (articles.anchor LIKE 'section:321') AND ((articles.active='Y') AND NOT ((articles.publish_date is NULL) OR (articles.publish_date <= '0000-00-00')) AND (articles.publish_date < '2024-12-11 14:56:53') AND ((articles.expiry_date is NULL) OR (articles.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (articles.expiry_date > '2024-12-11 14:56:53'))) ORDER BY rank, title LIMIT 0,50
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title LIMIT 0,50' at line 1

SELECT articles.* FROM yacs_articles AS articles WHERE (articles.anchor LIKE 'section:6') AND ((articles.active='Y') AND NOT ((articles.publish_date is NULL) OR (articles.publish_date <= '0000-00-00')) AND ((articles.expiry_date is NULL) OR (articles.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (articles.expiry_date > '2024-12-11 14:56:53'))) ORDER BY rank, publish_date DESC, title LIMIT 0,7
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', publish_date DESC, title LIMIT 0,7' at line 1

SELECT sections.* FROM yacs_sections AS sections WHERE (sections.anchor='' OR sections.anchor IS NULL) AND (sections.active='Y') AND (sections.index_map = 'Y') AND ((sections.activation_date is NULL) OR (sections.activation_date <= '2024-12-11 14:56:53')) AND ((sections.expiry_date is NULL) OR (sections.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (sections.expiry_date > '2024-12-11 14:56:53')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,8
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,8' at line 1

Tableau des revalorisation des indemités


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 001.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:15 pm GMT · 192 downloads · 66,845 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 002.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:15 pm GMT · 159 downloads · 83,078 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 003.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:15 pm GMT · 168 downloads · 71,681 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 004.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:15 pm GMT · 156 downloads · 35,763 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 005.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:16 pm GMT · 168 downloads · 53,439 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 006.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:16 pm GMT · 178 downloads · 60,575 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 007.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:16 pm GMT · 140 downloads · 53,780 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 008.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:16 pm GMT · 155 downloads · 59,038 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 009.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:16 pm GMT · 142 downloads · 56,240 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 010.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:17 pm GMT · 164 downloads · 72,642 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 011.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:17 pm GMT · 146 downloads · 77,218 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


Revalorisation indemnites regles XIII 1 012.tif

shared by carmenf on Feb. 6 2010 at 04:17 pm GMT · 169 downloads · 47,880 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS


revalorisation des indemnites 2010 a 2014

shared by Carmen Fréchette on Feb. 13 2017 at 03:11 pm GMT · 1,052 downloads · 470,907 bytes · in RÈGLES REVALORISATION INDEMNITÉS



Carmen Fréchette
on Feb. 13 2017 at 03:11 pm GMT

revalorisation des indemnites 2010 a 2014
Carmen Fréchette - on Feb. 13 2017 at 03:16 pm GMT
C'est le montant valide l'année 2014 que la saaq doit utiliser pour le préjudice non pécuniaire soit le montant de 186 440$ Sebatien JobinVermette a menti et a préféré utilisé le montant qui était en vigueur à la date de l'accident soit 75000$.