Vos droits Médecins experts Guide de l'expert 2004
LA PREUVE section 3
SELECT categories.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CAST(SUBSTRING(members.anchor, 10) AS UNSIGNED) AS target FROM yacs_members AS members WHERE (members.member LIKE 'section:75') AND (members.anchor LIKE 'category:%')) AS ids, yacs_categories AS categories WHERE (categories.id = ids.target) AND (categories.active='Y') AND ((categories.expiry_date is NULL) OR (categories.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (categories.expiry_date > '2025-02-16 02:30:03')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40' at line 1
SELECT articles.* FROM yacs_articles AS articles WHERE (articles.anchor LIKE 'section:75') AND ((articles.active='Y') AND NOT ((articles.publish_date is NULL) OR (articles.publish_date <= '0000-00-00')) AND (articles.publish_date < '2025-02-16 02:30:03') AND ((articles.expiry_date is NULL) OR (articles.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (articles.expiry_date > '2025-02-16 02:30:03'))) ORDER BY rank, edit_date DESC, title LIMIT 0,50
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', edit_date DESC, title LIMIT 0,50' at line 1
SELECT sections.* FROM yacs_sections AS sections WHERE (sections.anchor LIKE 'section:75') AND (sections.active='Y') AND (sections.index_map = 'Y') AND ((sections.activation_date is NULL) OR (sections.activation_date <= '2025-02-16 02:30:03')) AND ((sections.expiry_date is NULL) OR (sections.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (sections.expiry_date > '2025-02-16 02:30:03')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,50
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,50' at line 1
Si à l’occasion, l’analyse médico-légale permet d’arriver à une certitude, … plus souvent qu’autrement elle doit gérer l’incertitude.
Les notions de probabilité, de prépondérance et de valeur probante d’un élément de preuve doivent être connues et maîtrisées par le
professionnel de la santé qui désire agir à titre d’expert.